Ask The Coach #3: Suffocating!

Dear Coach,

Sometimes, when I am making a presentation or just speaking at a meeting, I feel like my throat is constricting and that I will suffocate myself. Why does this happen and is there anything I can do to stop it?

Suffocating in the Meeting Room

Dear Suffocating,

I feel your pain. I hate to think you’re suffocating just because you have to give a presentation. This happens to many people and you should know you’re not alone in this particular affliction. And yes, I do have some advice for you. This cure will require some discipline on your part but, with practice, you’ll be successful.

Believe it or not, the best thing to do is to ignore the problem. Of course, as we both know, most problems only get bigger and more difficult to deal with when you ignore them, but I have some good news for you: that’s not true in this case. Thinking you’re going to suffocate will only make it worse. So the sooner you forget about it, the sooner it will go away.

I suggest you focus on the people you’re talking to. Try smiling at them – people usually smile back – and take a deep breath. You could also ask a question to someone and let them speak. Listen carefully to their answer and say something that shows your understanding. By this time, you’ll probably being breathing normally. Trust yourself and the Coach. You’ll be fine.

The Coach